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The Best Way to Pay Off Your House in 10 Years (or Less)

Let’s talk about the best way to buy a house and pay it off fast.

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My Standard Definition of a Bubble

Longtime readers are familiar with my background…

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When Half a Million Dollars Isn’t Enough… Do This

New York City is full of people who make half a million dollars a year. And yet, many of them have a low quality of life.

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Don’t freak out. Stick to the Plan.

When you become a millionaire, nothing really changes. One day you are not a millionaire and the next day you are. But you are still you. Your life is the same, with the same worries and concerns.

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Schlepping Pays Off

I’m sure you’ve heard the fable of the ant and the grasshopper…

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Really, You Only Need to Do This Once a Year

A few years back, there was a rumor circulating about Fidelity’s top-performing investment accounts. As the story went, they either belonged to dead people, or to people who had simply forgotten about their accounts.

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